
24. Artist's Date

From Julia Cameron's lips to your imagination, treat your inner artist to a weekly date. This can be a walk in the park, an hour of creative time, a trip to the movies, hardware store, or thrift store. Anything that treats that inner artist.

Other ideas for artist dates:
  • go for a bike ride; include the steep hill you loved to fly down as a child
  • go to the circus
  • go to a large bookstore and use it as your own, personal, book museum; gather arm-loads of books and browse soaking up all the image.
  • take a walk during your lunch break and really notice everything around you
  • listen to your favorite music while sipping on a cup of hot cocoa or cappucino
  • take a long soak in a hot bathtub
  • browse a craft gallery -- the stores that sell what other crafters/artists make
  • fly a kite
  • make a snow creature
  • take a walk while it is snowing and listen for the gentle sound of the flakes coming to rest, make a snow angel before you go inside for a rest by the fireplace or a mug of cocoa or soup
  • color in a coloring book
  • watch a Pooh video
  • read aloud several children's books to yourself; have fun creating different voices for the different characters or adding expression to your reading
  • watch the sun rise or set
    Resource: Artist's Dates

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